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Addressing COVID-19


To Our Valued Clients:

To date we have had no reported cases of the novel coronavirus and the disease it causes, COVID-19, at Investigative Solutions Network (ISN), or within our various office buildings. However, as evidenced by news reports, the situation is fluid and it is important to take measures now to prepare for the possibility that our offices could be impacted by the virus.

ISN values the health and safety of its employees and clients above all other priorities, and as a precaution, has temporarily closed its offices effective immediately. We have asked our employees to work remotely until March 30, 2020, when the need for the closure will be re-evaluated.

We remain committed to providing our clients with the highest quality service and will continue to operate ‘business-as-usual’, with the exception of our fingerprinting services, which have been temporarily suspended.

If you require immediate assistance, please phone our toll-free hotline 1-866-790-4764 and our 24/7 Communication Centre staff will direct your call. Otherwise, please email and we will respond within one (1) business day.

Please visit our website for further updates and information.


Investigative Solutions Network Inc.

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